Check Out A Community Group
Our community groups are designed to mentor young military wives through the hardships of military life and disciple them in their relationship with Christ—a combination we found to be lacking.
We work side by side with your chapel or church to train community group leaders and provide teaching materials that will equip them to reach the lost, hurting and unconnected military wives in your community. Our materials are created to encourage military wives through their hardships, develop them spiritually and equip them practically. They are woven from the very fabric of our own lives and are everything we wish we had when we found ourselves overwhelmed by the demands of military life.
We want every military wife to know that it is possible to thrive in this military life but they often just don’t know how to get through the loneliness. Studies indicate that rates of suicide drastically decrease in those who are connected to community. By encouraging the military wife we impact her whole family. As divorce, intimate partner violence, substance abuse and suicide rates rise, our military families need to know more than ever that this life is possible through Christ.
To learn more about becoming a community group leader in your community click here.